Every child loves story time! Books from School Zone’s Start to Read! series, in read-along format, narrate and present amusing stories with memorable messages that help children learn to read.
In The Big Race identical twins named Jace and Mace outsmart a neighborhood bully called Ace. Two clever, determined people working together really can accomplish more! In order to read successfully, children need to master a basic vocabulary of sight words and learn to sound out words. This Level 2 read-along storybook app makes it extra fun. It’s intended for younger readers with some experience at Level 1, and most of the vocabulary words in The Big Race are typically introduced in first grade and second grade. Many of them can be read by changing the initial sound or by rhyming with a known word. It’s a super solution to the “Read me a story!” refrain. Easy-to-use settings allow children to control their app experience. If they turn on “Read to Me” mode, they can follow along with the narrator as each word onscreen is highlighted. With it off, they can try reading the story on their own. In both modes, if they get stuck, they can touch any word, any time and hear its pronunciation. Kids can also choose auto-page turning and background music on or off.
• Part of a multi-level series
• Introduces 50-70 new words
• Relies on core words and repetition
• Presents familiar themes and experiences
• Illustrated to provide important picture clues
• Memorable story line and main characters
• Read-to-me audio
• rhyming
• reading
• vocabulary
Ages 5-7
Level 2
Written by: Barbara Gregorich
Illustrated by: Barbara Alexander
School Zone sparks imagination and nurtures children’s natural curiosity. We offer playful, research-based content, brimming with color, creativity and bonus features. A trusted friend to parents and teachers for more than 30 years, we know how kids learn best. Play together with your kids or turn them loose to explore with confidence--no third-party advertising.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">每个孩子都喜欢讲故事的时间!学校区开始阅读的书籍!系列,沿阅读格式,叙述和现在的有趣的故事,难忘的消息,帮助儿童学习阅读。
在大种族名为杰斯和锤智取称为王牌邻里欺负的同卵双胞胎。两个聪明,有主见的人一起工作真的可以做到!为了成功读取,儿童需要掌握基本词汇的视线的话,学会试探的话。 2级读沿着故事书应用程序,使得它额外的乐趣。它适用于1级有一定经验的年轻读者,在大的比赛中的大部分词汇通常推出的第一级和第二级。他们中的许多人可以读出通过改变初始的声音,或与公知的字韵律。这是一个超级“读我的故事!”避免。易于使用的设置,让孩子控制他们的应用体验。如果他们把“读给我听”模式,他们可以跟着解说员突出显示屏幕上每一个字。有了它,他们可以尝试阅读自己的故事。在这两种模式下,如果它们会被卡住,他们可以触摸任何一句话,任何时候,听到它的发音。孩子们还可以选择开启或关闭自动翻页和背景音乐。
学校区的想象力和哺育孩子天生的好奇心的火花。我们提供好玩的,以研究为基础的内容,充满了色彩,创造力和奖金特点。一个值得信赖的朋友向家长和教师超过30年,我们知道孩子们如何学习最好的。与您的孩子一起玩,或者把它们松散到探索与信心 - 没有第三方的广告。</div> <div class="show-more-end">